South Main Brewery aims to bring people together

Today we welcome @southmainbrewery to Wire Park!

The idea for South Main started with an everyday conversation between founders, Dutch Guest and Brock Toole following an Oconee County Rotary Club meeting. They discussed making beer and shared a fascination of the process. Soon they were brewing at home and doing extensive research. In the process, they realized how much they needed to learn. Fast forward a year, the team added Darrel Goodman for front of the house expertise and head brewer, Nic Farley. It was at this point they knew they needed to bring what they were doing to community.

The founders formed South Main Brewing during COVID, in a time when people were being told to stay apart. Their goal was to bring people together. South Main's slogan is "Community Fueled”. They hope to be a place people can come together and enjoy the wonderful art of craft beer. With Wire Park’s desire to bring people together in a common place for fun and fellowship, it made for a perfect match!


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